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Image by Igor Miske


Create lead magnet copy

My website copywriting services are fully optimised for lead conversion. Draw more custom and clientele with some optimised website content, written by a UK writer.

Web Content Writing: About


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What do you need to know about website copywriting services? The process of writing digital marketing content for landing pages, product pages, blog articles, and everything in between is known as website copywriting.

You've seen website copy on your favourite brand's homepage, about us and service pages. Well-written content can keep readers interested and encourage them to take action, such as completing a purchase or filling out a contact form for lead generation.

Great web copywriting services address the prospect's problem or want, engage them with a solution, and motivate them to act. The difference between a website copywriter and everyone else is that I write content that sells.

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Web copywriting services can aid you in communicating your solutions to your target audience in the most effective way possible.

It can help you in communicating with potential customers in a language that they understand and that resonates with them. This is something you must accomplish in order to persuade those individuals in making a decision. Make no mistake—outstanding copy can shift people's perceptions of your product or service and provide the extra push they need to take the next step in developing a relationship with your business. Writing for the internet is not the same as writing offline. Besides all the SEO considerations, this is due to two key factors:

  • First, people consume web material on a variety of devices.

For example, if you create a newspaper ad, it will appear exactly the same to everyone who reads it. In the case of online writing, however, this is not the case. Your content must work on PCs, smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and any other device customers use to view your content while writing for the web.

  • Second, online "switching costs" are extremely low: your readers are simply a click away from Facebook, YouTube, or another blog.

This means your copy must be exceptional. And what's the key to attracting someone's attention? Strong copywriting for the web.

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"Your website is your 24/7 salesperson," is a saying that many of us have heard. Well, there's good reason for that - it's true.

Your website is your digital storefront that customers and prospects rely on when studying your brand online, whether it's good, bad, or just plain ordinary. And, if done correctly, your website can be the most effective and accessible sales tool you can offer these visitors.

Is your current website really working that hard for you right now, or is it working a more part-time role? Its language, in addition to design and UX, is an essential factor. Because your website is such an important business tool, you must convey the exact message you want your target audience to read so that your website can begin to work hard for you.

Isn't it just a case of writing some copy, pasting it on your website, and calling it a day? Unfortunately, this is not the case. There are a few key best practices that I follow in my website copywriting services to ensure that your website has the content it needs to be the 24/7 salesperson you know it can be.

SEO matters

Because you have more than one customer, I need to produce excellent online writing. Human visitors to your site must be wooed and persuaded of the quality of your product or service. I endeavour to make the content useful to them and better than what they could find on Google using SEO best practises.

Search engine ranking spiders, on the other hand, review site content regularly to determine whether it is relevant and valuable. Search engine optimsation is a specialised art and professional writing skill that involves writing your content in a way that these crawlers like. Keyword phrases will appear in SEO-optimised content. These are the terms that the people you wish to reach are likely to type into a search engine while looking for information.

For example, "What is web copywriting?" could be one of the page's keywords. This aids in moving your content up the search engine rankings and attracting more visitors. I'll have to work with uncommon keywords occasionally, but I'll do so in a way that feels normal and natural. Humans will always be your core consumer. So I write for them.

So, what can I do as a website content writer in the UK to improve the readability of your website copy? Most importantly, I format web copy so that users can scan it. Knowing that consumers mostly scan text in search of something, how I format your content can make a substantial difference.

In a nutshell

  • Use bullet points for 'scannability' whenever possible. Bulleted lists improve readability and make it easier for people to absorb and remember information. Almost any collection of items separated by commas can be formatted as a bulleted list.

  • To boost readability and break up the monotony, I use brief paragraphs with headings. Long paragraphs are difficult to scan because they are thick and overbearing. If you go through a long paragraph, you'll usually always find a way to split it into two paragraphs. This makes it easy for the user to grasp the content.

  • Ensure sure your copy is 'skimmable'. A question-and-answer format works well, and I can number these.

  • Emphasise key terms and phrases. I make it easier for the user to find key terms/phrases inside a paragraph of copy by using text formatting tools like bolding or highlighting. It's important to note, though, I'm aware that if I employ this strategy too often, it might become distracting and ineffective.

  • Be as specific as possible with your message.

  • Write primarily for humans, your audience, while optimising for search engines bots.



When reading online, people read words in a different way than when reading printed materials. Instead of reading from left to right and line by line, website visitors scan the page for phrases or keywords that catch their eye.

Why do we do this as web users? We're usually on a journey to find an answer to a question. Your prospective buyers and clients don't have the time (or patience) to read any more than is absolutely necessary. And to be honest, they're well aware that they don't have to.

Most of the time, they're only interested in the parts that match their interests, rather than the complete page of content. This is especially important for informational pages on your website, such as your services pages, "About Us," industries you serve, and contact pages. This is less relevant for longer-form material, such as articles, white papers, and blog posts. Web-users read only 28% of the words on a page, according to an online study by Jakob Nielson that was published a few years ago but remains true about reading behaviour.

My web copywriting services...

1. Know your audience

“If you wish to persuade me, you must think my thoughts, feel my feelings and speak my words.” – Cicero

Or to quote Taxi Driver, “You talkin’ to me?”. I gotta know whom I’m conversing with. One of the first things I do is construct your buyer personas. Why? Because, as a company, you want to build a website that is centred around your customers, with a solid understanding of their lifestyles, needs, and preferences.

All web copywriters worth their salt first figure out who your target audience is first and get to know them. Knowing your audience allows me to make an emotional connection with them, empathise with their problem, and provide a solution that resonates.

Using personas, I tailor your website content (and related inbound marketing materials) to speak directly to the right people in the way they want to hear it. I employ words that your audience understands. The user will most likely be confused if I employ complicated or internal lingo. It's critical to utilise audience-appropriate language so that the user can quickly skim and comprehend the content.

2. Speak their language

I write personalised, engaging copy that speaks your audience's language and makes them want to connect with you. For example, I can talk directly to your target demographic using humour. I come up with a unique strategy to give your brand a personality and leave a lasting impression on customers and prospects.

If you're a technical company, I should employ industry-standard technical language and jargon to establish credibility, yet keep it accessible and enjoyable to read. If you work for a personal injury firm, I should use language that is sensitive to car accident victims and their families who have just gone through a traumatic experience.

The idea is to communicate with your audience in a way that allows them to better absorb your brand's content. I think "search" rather than "SEO."

3. Set a goal for every piece of content

The key to engaging your readers as an online copywriter is to have a purpose for each piece and design your material around that aim.

The goals of different kinds of content are unique. If I'm producing a case study, for example, the purpose is to show that your product worked for one customer and will work for others as well. This purpose guides what I say in the case study.

4. Attention-grabbing headlines

The most significant part of your site copy is the headline. The reader will not read your content if you do not capture their interest.

Writing for the internet is a battle between your words and the millions of others who create digital material. It's up to me to make yours stand out. Visitors are enticed to click through and take action by compelling headlines.
I'll find a fresh angle to create enticing headlines and make the title appealing and relevant to a problem your target audience is facing. Make your headline intriguing. Curiosity drives people to want to learn more, so I'll make it intriguing too.

5. Create clear and enticing headings throughout

Well-written headings act as a page's informal outline. Using headings that summarise the content of the paragraph(s) allows the user to grasp what the section is about before deciding whether to read it.

You may be disappointed if you expect your website visitors to read every page of your site (or even all the copy on a single page). That means your first impression, particularly on your homepage, must be top-notch.

So, as a writer, what does this mean for me? Make scanning a priority. Because, with today's glut of content on the internet, you're in the minority if you're not scanning for the main takeaways. I treat your headlines like the valuable real estate that they are and utilise clear, direct, and to-the-point headers to attract the attention of your visitors. Headlines are an excellent place to include keywords and other important topics that will benefit your readers.

6. Write actively

Great web copy uses active voice. This is where the sentence's subject takes action rather than being acted upon. This structure produces powerful and easy-to-understand sentences.

Active voice sentences can also start with a verb, such as a command, which is useful for copy in which you want people to do something. 'Learn more about the new catalogue here,' for example.

7. Avoid using negatives where possible

When it comes to setting a tone for your brand, you want to be remembered for the positive, solution-oriented tone you set in your copy—not for the negative content that would discourage a buyer from learning more about your company.


  • Negative – 'Our additive-free jam, which contains no harmful ingredients, will not disappoint you. Please do not hesitate to contact us.'

  • Positive – 'You'll love our jam, which is made entirely of all-natural ingredients. Please contact us right away.'

Do you see the distinction? Users will gain trust in your brand when I employ a positive tone and deliver a positive answer to their problem or desire. While there are times when instilling dread or a sense of urgency to act may be warranted to some degree, a solid rule of thumb is to start with the positive. It’s all about buyer, even human psychology, positive language appeals more to someone whether or not they notice it consciously.

8. Appeal to your readers' emotions

People must care about your product to buy into your message. I can weave emotions into your headlines to help them get there. Assume I'm writing copy for an NGO. Rather than stuffing the content with broad facts about anonymous people in dire circumstances, I'll choose a person, give her a name, and tell her tale—which is far more engaging and resonant.

Your website copy should speak directly to the emotions of your visitors. Emotions are a part of who we are as humans. I give your readers someone with whom they can connect, and they'll be more likely to take action.

9. Focus on your customers rather than you

To be more direct, I use the term "you" more frequently in your website content. At the end of the day, the aim of good marketing copy is to solve the audience's problem or satisfy a want or need - not brag about how great you are as a brand. It's best to not be so reflective and me-me-me.

Simply put, saying the word "you" causes people's ears to perk up. Humans are hard-wired to consider what's best for us when making decisions, so we naturally gravitate toward content that speaks directly to us. Because the writing is more personal, conversational, and accessible, it makes us feel special, included, and connected.

10. Provide evidence

People are sceptical by nature. Showing prospects and visitors some of the clients you've worked with or the results of projects you've worked on helps you create trust.

I'll back up your claims with solid proof to dispel scepticism and break down the mental barriers they've built. I can do this via a few means, such as sharing case studies, testimonials, and credible third-party reviews on social media.

11. Keep it simple

My role as a web copywriter is to convey your message. If no one understands what you're saying, that will be challenging. I'll utilise simple sentences and delete any unneeded jargon words.

What terms does your audience use in conversations? I'll include those phrases in my copy. I don’t try to impress everyone. Instead, I aim to inform, persuade, and motivate them to act.

12. Trim the fat where possible

Remove any needless words. Web copy must be concise, unlike traditional writing. You can usually eliminate roughly half of the words on a web page without losing any value. By removing redundant words, I can reduce the length of your content while also making the content more visible and easier to scan.

Is it important? Is it really necessary? Is it adding value to the user's experience? If I answer "no" to any of these questions, it's time to get rid of the excess. Some people believe a website needs a lot of material to rank well in searches, but the truth is that unless the content is valuable and clear to the user, a glut of content will just keep them from acting (be it making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, scheduling a consultation, etc.).

And, if the end goal is for people to take action, why would we want to make it more difficult for them to do so? Don't make them think; make them act.

13. Get the message across

Once a visitor arrives on your page, you must provide them with the information they require immediately. Online readers don't read everything. Instead, they look for guidelines and markers that will lead them to the content they need. This means that my web copy should be easy to skim.

Some of the most effective methods I employ are:

  • Using headers and subheadings, especially if your key phrases fit within them.

  • Creating lists for the key points

  • Following long sentences with lots of information with shorter ones

This makes your content simple and enjoyable to read. Important information should be at the forefront. I start with the most important content for your audience and then add more details. An inverted pyramid is a term used in journalism to describe this technique. You provide the customer with the option to quit reading at any point and yet leave with the main point of the page, by starting with the conclusion.

Instil a sense of urgency. According to Omniconvert, 99% of visitors do not buy on their first visit. In most circumstances, visitors must return to your site several times to become familiar with your brand before completing a purchase. People utilise the internet to get useful information swiftly. You must make certain that your content addresses the who, what, when, where, why, and how of your personal or business story.

To persuade potential customers to act right away, I must generate a sense of urgency. I can build urgency by offering a limited-time discount, selling a limited number of copies of your product, or including urgency in your CTA text, such as "download now."

14. Weave hyperlinks into the copy

This makes it easier for users to navigate. Internal and external linking (where appropriate) doesn’t just appeal to Google’s ever-changing fancy—it also lets your users have the most fluid user experience possible. It empowers them to learn more about either your business (internal links) or about a relative topic to your business (external links) without them having to do any work themselves other than a click.

Your website copy should include mostly internal links to other pages on your website, but other content (such as blogs, e-books, infographics, etc.), external links can be beneficial for helping educate your users, as well as get some “link juice” in return. Both demonstrate that your users’ best interests are top of mind.

15. Deploy powerful calls to action (CTAs)

In a perfect world, when people land on your webpage, they take action. The action they take is determined by how well your content directs them through your website. I'll create a benefit-oriented CTA that encourages people to click.

I employ verbs and phrases in my CTAs. Consider this scenario: you come across a website that piques your attention, you enjoy what they have to offer, and you're eager to learn more about their business online. You come upon a "Work" call to action. "Oh, they want me to look at more of their work now," you might assume at first. "Or do they want me to apply for a job there?" you wonder. The less ambiguity you can provide your users with, the better. The simplest way to accomplish this is to start your CTA with a verb.

Besides using verbs, it's critical to be very explicit about what you want people to do in your calls-to-action (CTAs). Simply writing the phrase "Submit" will not compel someone to act, especially if they are skimming the page and are unaware of the context of the request. To be clear about what you want them to do, you'll need to utilise two or more words.The key is to make it clear in your CTAs what action you want people to take, which you can achieve easily with simple and direct verbs.

Perhaps they're looking for a free piece of content from you. "Download Our Free E-Book" is a simple and appealing approach to convey this. Do they need to see more of your previous work/clients before they decide to work with you? Give them a CTA like "View Our Case Studies," "See Our Results," "View Our Testimonials," "Calculate Your Results," "Start Your Free Trial," or "Request a Consultation," and so on. For eCommerce, it could be “Order Now” in the section Online Easy Ordering, or “Get Recipe” for a culinary site.

Take a look at your own website now that you're armed with these website copywriting best practises. Is your website copy up to standard? If not, contact me, a skilled website content writer in the UK, today.

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Regardless of how beautiful a website's design is or how sophisticated its navigation is, users will eventually determine whether to take action based on what they read. Ultimately, the language used converts visitors into customers.

A new website's content must be just as well-crafted as its design and programming if it is to hit all the right notes. However, as you might expect, there are many ways for content in a web development project to go wrong.

Knowing these traps is half the battle in avoiding them. Content is frequently treated as an afterthought, hastily produced in order to fulfil a project's deadline.

25 Common mistakes in website copywriting and how to avoid them

I've worked with start-ups, SMEs, and multinationals, and I've seen organisations of all sizes and industries make the same content mistakes. Your website is the front door to your business, and if visitors don't get the user experience they expect, they'll go as quickly as they arrived. Here are the most common faults I see and what I can do about them.

1. Composing long, winding introductions

I cannot overstate the importance of first impressions. Too often, marketers start their copy with a long, drawn-out paragraph that can immediately overwhelm and turn off even the most devoted prospect. Instead, start with a few small assertions that are separated into mini paragraphs. The language becomes instantly more digestible, enticing the audience to continue reading and stay interested - a huge plus for any pitch.

2. Writing inwardly

It's easy to do. You deal with your products and services all day. You've put a lot of thought and passion into every new product idea and point of differentiation. You enjoy thinking about, enhancing, and discussing your items. It's only natural to want to shout from the rooftops about your product's glory.

The issue is that no one else wants to hear your story. No one has time o admire your grandeur. They're too busy thinking about their own lives. ‘How does it benefit me?’ is the fundamental question a high-level webpage answers.

I’ll use products as an example, but it applies to other pages as well. It isn't about you. A well-written category-level product page talks about a little about features, more on benefits, and way more about the experience. This last component is crucial, and where most pages fall horribly short.

Say I have 400 words to sell a technical product, I’d focus 50 words on the features, 100 words on the benefits and 150 words on the experience.

  • A “word budget” promotes discipline. It also eliminates one of the major causes of Web development project delays, figuring out how to approach each specific product page.

  • Focusing on the experience pushes you to consider the page's intended audience. The point is having an audience in mind prevents a webpage from devolving into the cursed, watered-down, 'everything for everyone' marketing that says nothing.

  • A high-level page's purpose is to generate interest in a product. Then they want more details about features and benefits. Perfect. Tell your message in detail on a product sub-page. Companies don't have to ignore features and perks - they just have to resist the impulse to bombard visitors with them as soon as they walk in.

Outward writing tips:

  • Gather input from consumers and prospects before writing. Do they buy from you or not? How has doing business with you affected them?

  • Begin with a plan. Assign each feature a benefit and each benefit an experience.

  • A customer can read a sample and then explain why they might want to buy the product. That's the ultimate test.

  • Do the same with a stranger to your product or industry. You're winning if they get it.

We, not you. Prioritise your visitors. Consider:

a) Do you want to hear 20 reasons why the company or product you're reading about is fantastic when you visit a website?
b) How can the product or service help you?

I'd guess you'd prefer (b). Your ‘About Us' page is for establishing company credibility, but most importantly, visitors to your website want to feel valued.

Think like a visitor. Instead of listing product features and business credentials, describe how a product or service can benefit the visitor. The language switches from ‘we' to ‘you'.

Focusing on product features over value proposition. The hook in marketing copy is commonly confused with product description, which comes later in the customer journey. First, handle the issues or tasks at hand to address for the reader. Ignore product specs. Concentrate on the benefit. How does your product improve or simplify life? Is there a surprise benefit? How is it superior to other options?

Writing for the brand rather than the customer. Marketers should focus on the wants, needs, desires, and direction of their customers and communities, rather than their own internal brand perspective. Copywriting that considers phrase structure, word choice, and even clever banter that resonates with the end-user is vital.

3. The lead is buried

Subtlety is difficult to convey on a website. Within seconds, visitors determine whether to stay on your website. Your conversion chances will vanish if you can't immediately express why a page is vital to them.

Check your web pages. What's the status of your leads? Are you starting with the most important point? Are you offering visitors a cause to stick around and read more? If an in-house writer is unfamiliar with web writing approaches, they may approach the project as if it were a novel, thinking that visitors will read it from beginning to end.

This assumption is simply wrong. People scan and skim across websites, their eyes bouncing around like pinballs. Visitors are likely to read the headline and the first few lines of text on any given webpage. Any body content they read after that is a bonus. Expecting someone to read a complete page of text from beginning to end in a single sitting is wishful thinking. The most significant words on the page should be the most straightforward to locate, understand, and grasp.

A few pointers on how to get the lead out of the ground:

Before you write, ask yourself, "What is the most important takeaway I want visitors to have after visiting this page?" That's your lead.

  • Use a bold typeface to emphasise your lead idea. When you can't fit it into the first sentence, this is extremely useful.

  • Use simple language.

  • Use subheadings, the first line of a paragraph, and bullet points to keep your most critical information above the fold.

4. Saying too much

Brevity is the soul of conversion...

Overloading visitors with information. Provide visitors with the information they expect from a page. One webpage for one subject. Anything else is distracting and confusing. If someone visits your 'Services' page, don't overwhelm them with information that belongs on your 'About Us' page. Visitors don't want to sift through a lot of information to locate what they want.

Too much text. Most users do not read a web page in its entirety. Unlike blog entries, which are used to provide in-depth information, website pages are used to help visitors make quick decisions about your business.

Give your material a fighting chance by:

  • Use headings and subheadings to facilitate skim reading and

  • Using bullet points – instead of ten commas, use a simple, concise list.

  • Every word must be counted – no fluff!

It is not a good idea to write excessively long paragraphs with a lot of copy on each page. Although words on a website are vital, visitors do not want to sift through walls of text that go on and on about a company's history, competence, and so on.

With copywriting for websites and social media, concise writing is good writing. Remember to go over and revise your work a few times during the writing process to eliminate unnecessary words. The extra work you put in will pay off in the form of tighter, easier-to-read words.

"I would have written a shorter letter but I did not have the time," as French philosopher Blaise Pascal said.

5. Writing for a non-native market

Different countries have different marketing methods and styles. Have you ever thought to yourself while travelling overseas, "Who would buy anything with that kind of advertising?"

Marketing language usage differs dramatically between countries. If you're targeting a market in another country, it's a good idea to hire a copywriter experienced in writing for that market. This is something that a lot of multinational organisations get wrong. It's not only about linguistic intricacies. It's also about getting the cultural meaning correct.

6. Leaving questions unsolved

Provide visitors with all the information they require. Unanswered queries can breed distrust and irritation. If a person can't locate what they're looking for and can't find it promptly, they'll go to a competitor. What are the most common queries my customers and target audience have regarding my products and services? Make sure that the answers to these questions are included in your pages and that they are easily accessible. Add a FAQs page if necessary.

7. Forgetting whom you're talking to

Put yourself in the shoes of your viewers. Copywriting 101 – know your audience. With every word, consider whom you're speaking to and whom you want to engage. Keep it relevant and on-point.

You wouldn't deliver a speech on how to cook the perfect steak at the PETA Christmas party. Research your current and target markets before drafting any copy. For each group, tailor your content and modify your tone of voice. When web page copy works it:

  • Speaks to a visitor who wants to be reached.

  • Makes use of language that the visitor is familiar with and can relate to.

This leads to three easy website copywriting rules:

  • Research your market and write with them in mind.

  • Use a market-friendly tone of voice wherever possible.

  • Speak in terms that the market will understand – this often entails simplifying the complex.

This is an area where tech companies are especially prone to failing. Rather than highlighting a product's benefits, they will frequently discuss technical engineering feats and design elements that are irrelevant to the average buyer.

8. Forgetting about SEO

If you want your page to rank, make the search engines happy. If you want to be noticed on Google, each page must be search engine friendly, but what does that entail? There are a few guidelines to follow while developing on-page content:

Use of keywords. Choose one primary keyword for each page and use it only a few times on each page in key places:

  • Your H1 title tag.

  • Within the body text's first 200 words.

Avoid keyword stuffing. Rather than repeating your main keyword, write naturally, utilising words that are semantically connected to it. This will add more meaning and context to your work and make it more intriguing.

Writing for Google-bots. Do you want to climb the Google rankings? With search engine optimisation, a solid rule of thumb is that informative and interesting material is usually favoured by search engines. It's critical to conduct thorough keyword research in accordance with your content strategy, but don't overuse keywords in body text and keep tailoring your writing for your (human) audience.

Google ultimately rewards high-quality content that visitors enjoy. In order to rank, your text must demonstrate EAT:

  • Expertise

  • Authority

  • Trust 

Make it simple to read. Keep an eye on the readability of your content. It's not just your customers that desire a quick read. The ability of search engines to analyse the readability of your material is growing increasingly sophisticated.

  • Use simple words that are easy to digest

  • Avoid complex sentence structures

  • Use sub-headers and bullet points to aid in scanning

Today's content must be entertaining, on-brand and discoverable. Many copywriters get the first two, but whether it's on-site search, external search engines, or product pages on an e-commerce affiliate site, it's vital to adopt a content strategy that incorporates SEO-focused keywords and target audience language.

9. Focusing too much on SEO and forgetting human readers

It's easy to slip into the trap of focusing too much on SEO. Online marketers may become engrossed in creating content for SEO purposes. While SEO is important, keep in mind that a human will eventually read your content. Always strive to write useful text that your clients and peers will want to share. Include those keywords in the title and headers of your page, but don't go overboard.

10. Weak testimonies

It's important for social proof to be significant. Testimonials can be a powerful tool for establishing trust, but they must be chosen carefully. It's sometimes preferable to have none than to have ones that don't explain how your service helped the customer. You know the empty ones: 'Alex is incredible' or 'Alex is a dream to work with.' These statements are all well and nice, and quite possibly true, but don't tell the visitor why you're better than the competition. Instead, encourage your clients to say a few words on how you assisted them.

11. Ignoring the fundamentals

Remember that informative copywriting must answer the who, what, where, when, and why questions. Make your writing relevant to readers by providing context. In our fast-paced society, we have little time to persuade readers that our content is worthwhile. People will rapidly move on if they have to work too hard to grasp and be engaged by your content.

12. Failure to split the copy

Remember that a rising portion of your audience will be reading on mobile devices if you're writing web copy. As a result, it's critical to break up writing into manageable chunks and include plenty of visual clues to help readers navigate and scan your content. "Bulleted lists attract attention, support scanning, shorten text, and reveal the relationship of items," as per Nielsen Norman.

13. Inconsistent brand voice

Most brands have a strict design style guide to guarantee that logos and branding are applied consistently, but few have a copy style guide. This results in a disorganised mix of tones across all communication channels, lowering customer trust in your brand. Adopting a copy style guide is a simple method to improve how your entire company communicates, both internally and externally.

One of the most common copywriting blunders is choosing a voice that isn't consistent with the brand. I like to adopt a conversational tone that is authoritative and informative.

14. Using jargon and overused phrases

One of the cardinal rules of good copywriting is to avoid clichés at all costs. Unless you're writing for a highly particular niche sector or technical publication, where you can be positive that your audience will understand every phrase, avoid using jargon.

Every piece of copy should be as plain and straightforward as possible. Explain technical words right away, and don't assume that all of your readers will know acronyms, no matter how common or obvious they may appear to you.

Insider language, jargon, and acronyms are among the most typical copywriting mistakes. You've fully failed at the point of communication if your audience doesn't grasp what you're talking about. The simplest approach to avoid this issue is to have someone from outside your team read your communications to ensure that they are clear.

15. Overly friendly and familiar

Many businesses finally realise that speaking in a nice, conversational tone makes them far more approachable. In a desperate attempt to be entertaining and charming, a small number of brands have gone too far and adopted a tone that borders on weird and inappropriate. It's critical to achieve a balance - make it casual but professional, and don't stray from your brand's core values.

Return to the basics if you want to update and modernise your company's tone of voice. What is your company or product? What do customers and potential customers think about it? What changes would you like to make to this image? How far do you believe you can go without alienating or cringing-out your core customer base?

16. Broadcasting rather than engaging

Times are a-changing, but this is still a common blunder for businesses with not just social media copy, but websites. Without engaging in a discourse or listening to comments, they shout about themselves and their products.

Ignore negative feedback at your risk - respond to issues and show humility. It's a two-way street when it comes to stimulating dialogue. How many times have you been introduced to someone only to discover they're a 'broadcaster,' droning on about themselves without ever asking a single question or expressing any interest in you? Listening teaches us a great deal.

17. Using an overly promotional tone

Copy that is both effective and well-written can increase sales. Marketers must provide a clear call to action without being unduly promotional or reading like a sleazy ad. Customers will see right through it. Instead of trying to overtly sell a buyer anything, good copy should highlight the benefits of a product.

18. Use of negative language

By utilising negative phrases while expressing a positive message, writers can give their work a bleak tone. Simple changes, like "It's important to never..." to "It's important to always remember to..." can make a big difference in how a reader feels about what they've read.

19. Assuming people won't read online

When producing web copy, we used to be encouraged to keep things short, based on the assumption that readers wouldn't read big pieces online. This is no longer the case, and businesses are rapidly realising the benefits of investing in long-form content.

Investing in useful, interesting, and clever content is becoming a critical strategy to have your company's voice heard as traditional advertisements become less effective online. It's also another technique to show Google that you have the Expertise, Authority, and Trust it craves.

The landscape for online copywriting continues to evolve and grow as technology progresses, the use of voice search grows rapidly, and the demand for long-tail content rises. All we have to do now is make sure we're all on the same page.

20. Using run-on sentences

Following a run-on sentence is like chasing a scared chicken around the coop - exhausting, tough, and probably not worth the effort in the first place. Don't make website visitors go back and re-read long sentences that are difficult to follow. A reasonable rule of thumb is that if a sentence is over two lines long, it should be broken up.

21. Failure to provide supporting links

Every organisation aspires to be regarded as an expert authority in its sector. However, most people are instinctively distrustful of what they read these days, particularly when it comes from a business. If you can back up your claims in your writing with statistics, research papers, or comments from other experts, it lends credibility to your claims and makes it easier for the reader to believe what you're saying.

22. Ignoring your reader's point of view

The most common error made by most new writers, regardless of field or project type, is failing to consider the views, beliefs, and desires of those who will read their work. There are a lot of things you know intuitively about your subject that readers don't, especially if you're writing in a profession where you have a lot of expertise.

Remember to stop and consider how something might sound to your reader while you write and revise. Ask yourself if they'd comprehend what you're saying - too much jargon or advanced concepts will cause people to lose interest and look for something else to do. It could be beneficial to have someone with less experience check your work to ensure that it is understandable.

To write effective web copy, you don't have to be the next Shakespeare or Hemingway. All it takes is a laser-like focus on your purpose, the ability to connect with your audience, and avoiding typical mistakes.

23. Ineffective or non-existent calls to action (CTAs)

Without a compelling call to action, even if you've produced a stunningly beautiful page, it's almost useless. It's completely unrealistic to expect visitors to be so moved by your amazing text that they will call or fill out an online form pleading with you to contact them.

Visitors expect to be guided in the actual world of web marketing. You've already lost them if they have to pause and consider their next move.

Every page is a chance to compel your reader to act. Whether you're asking your visitor to 'Buy Now,' 'Read More,' 'Contact Us,' or 'Like,' every web page should have a clear call to action. Instruct the reader to complete a certain task and provide a logical method for doing so.

CTAs are classified into one of four categories, described below in descending order of commitment:

  • Place an order

  • Enrol, subscribe, enter

  • Get a quote

  • Learn more

The first step is to recognise the importance of a call to action on every page. The second step is to match the right CTA to the page. A "soft" CTA, such as "Request more information" or "Schedule a consultation," is typically used on high-level product category pages. Detailed product pages, on the other hand, require a "hard" CTA, such as "Order now."

Examples of compelling calls to action:

  • "Savings of 15% when you order now"

  • "Discover the 5 secrets to long-term weight loss"

The following factors bolster calls to action:

  • Testimonials: It’s worked

  • Credibility statements: It’s reliable

  • Warranty or guarantee: It’s risk free

  • High value: It’s worth having

  • Urgency: It’s now or never

Unfortunately, many business websites' calls to action appear to be afterthoughts - ambiguous, bland, and dull. Customers want to be led, so keep that in mind. More than a "Call for more information" is required for effective leadership.

One final point about CTAs - it's often a good idea to have a primary and secondary CTA on each page. A prospect might not be ready to buy right now, but they might be willing to read and download a white paper. Today's white paper could be the conversion of tomorrow.

Two tips for effective calls to action:

  • The biggest reason why companies don't have effective CTAs on their websites is that they don't have any. Conduct a brainstorming session before getting too far into website development to start finding action steps that website visitors would be keen to take.

  • We must join design and content at the hip for CTAs to be effective. A call to action can be made or broken by the placement of an arrow, the font, and the colour of a button.

24. Not keeping your eye on the conversion ball

The errors and fixes listed above revolve around one thing – conversion - in case you didn't notice or glanced to the end, as most website readers do. David Ogilvy, the advertising legend, is responsible for one of my favourite phrases, “If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative." Ogilvy, possibly the finest copywriter who ever lived, realised the primacy of persuasion. You may like a gentle or hard sell, but why is your webpage there if it isn't selling?

25. Creating your own copy

It is cost-effective to hire a skilled freelance copywriter. To save money, small businesses and non-profits often handle their web writing in-house. If you have someone on your team who has a knack for words, this may be adequate, but copywriting is a specialised skill.

When you employ a copywriter, you're hiring a professional who knows how to write for the business world. Working with a freelance copywriter is typically less expensive than writing the copy in-house. If you can't afford to hire a copywriter for every job, start with the essentials, like your website and key marketing materials.

Having trouble attracting new website visitors, or do too many of them leave without making a purchase? Let's fix this! Get words that work from a website content writer in the UK.

Image by Carlos Muza


Let me clean up the cobwebs from your business website if you already have one. I'll replace them with words and content that will help you rank higher and show your target audience right away why picking you is a no-brainer, resulting in more sales.

Here are the most common scenarios if you create your own content despite not being a copywriter or outsourced it to a content mill for the lowest price per word:

  • The text on your web pages is too long and/or vague

  • It’s extremely corporate-sounding and all about your rather than your target audience

  • It’s not been optimised for SEO or doesn’t include keywords at all

What's the end result?

The words on your small business website don't help it rank on Google, and they don't convert those occasional visits into sales, effectively sending your potential customers to your competition.

Did you know that most internet visitors only stay on a page for 15 seconds and have an attention span of only 8 seconds? Always keep in mind that you're basically selling to goldfish — no offence to your consumers, but that goes for all of us!

You'd be shocked how many businesses miss out on leads and sales simply because their core message is overcomplicated and SEO is ignored.

How will my website copywriting services change that?

I don’t do ‘boring and corporate’. That's why my website copywriting services translate into crisp, fluff-free language that speaks straight to your target demographic and prevents your visitors from clicking away. I'll also optimise everything for search engines using the correct SEO keywords, so you'll be able to rank among the cool kids on Google in no time.

You don’t have to keep getting frustrated every time you see your competitors show up on Google instead of you or notice that your visitors bounce away from your website without performing any relevant actions. Hire a freelance copywriter in the UK today.

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